I don't like to drink alcohol. I don't like people who do drink. Drunks act like fools and I prefer not to associate with them, at least not while they are drinking. I voted the sale of alcohol in my town down and prefer not to have liquor stores in my neighborhood. I will vote against sales again this fall. If you look at areas that sell liquor, they are nearly always surrounded by pawn shops, check cashing stores, bums begging for change, and graffiti. Stereotype? Maybe. But look around.
I live in an area where there is not much for the teen aged kids to do. Alcohol seems to be the past time of choice. Anytime there is a wreck, it nearly always involves alcohol. People who choose to drive while intoxicated should be executed (Well, not executed, but SEVERELY punished). If you are going to drink, at least be smart about it and get a designated driver or drink at home. And stop allowing our children access to it.
I don't like smoking. I don't like to hang around people who do smoke. They stink, and they make ME stink. I picked up a soda in a convenience store where someone was smoking and my darned coke smelled like cigarettes! Quit! If you must smoke, go somewhere where I don't have to smell it or get it on my clothes or food. If you were to save your money from smoking, just how much richer would you be? Figure it out. And let me be able to breathe.
I believe that prostitution should continue to be illegal. I don't like topless joints and won't be involved in a relationship with someone who frequents them. I don't want topless joints in my neighborhood nor prostitutes on the doorstep to the businesses that I shop at. I don't believe pornography has a place in this world. The teenagers of today are involved in way too much sex and they don't have a clue what they are in for. Their attitudes disgust me.
I don't believe in abortion. That is a child, no matter what your argument is. It is a living human being. It is murder. Give the baby to someone who desperately wants one. And use birth control. There's really no excuse. (Unless, of course, the mother's health is at risk. TOTALLY different story)
If you do choose to have children, TAKE CARE OF THEM! Their needs are more important than yours right now. If you just can't stand their mother/father then pay your child support. If you are not the custodial parent, stop questioning where the lousy $100 went. It costs a WHOLE lot more than people realize to raise a child. Bills tend to pile up when school clothes need to be bought, or new shoes, or Christmas comes around, or school pictures, or new shoes, or baseball fees,
Halloween costumes/parties/candy, new shoes, Valentines cards, Easter egg hunts, new shoes, replacing lost school books, etc. etc. etc! The list is ENDLESS! People who don't pay their child support rank right up there with child molesters in my book. I believe that people who don't pay their child support payments should be brought up on charges of neglect to a child. If you are a friend of mine and don't pay child support, you better not let me know about it because I will turn your butt in (And you probably won't be my friend much longer).
I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. I have a very sacred ordinance in my religion that involves the sealing of a man to a woman and their children. There are males, and there are females, and they were each created differently and with a different purpose. If gay marriages are legalized then my ordinance would become unconstitutional and I would be forced to change this ordinance to accommodate them. This is the very core of my religion and it would disintegrate my entire belief. If gay people want something to show that they are committed to each other, why can't we have a "Union". Lets make "unions" legally binding and allow them every right under the law for benefits, including insurance and alimony. But please don't call it a marriage so that it does not infringe on my right to freedom of religion.
I try not to watch smut on TV. There are plenty of "good" movies out there that don't have garbage in them. I don't like excessive violence nor ill-humored jokes about men's wing-
wangs. Grow up.
I believe in honesty. Every problem in our world today can be traced back to someone being dishonest. Greed for money and power all stem from dishonesty. If everyone were 100% honest, we wouldn't have to pay as much income tax, our government would think of our best interest, not theirs, we would all receive an honest pay for our work that we do, employers would receive a lot more work than what they get now, our welfare system could take care of us when we need it to, and our children would be smarter because we would have teachers who actually care about teaching.
This post is entitled "My Personal Beliefs". I did not post this so you could call me names or try to impose your view onto me. This is just very simply what I believe. But you are MORE than welcome to disagree with me!