Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Little Clarification

I figured that I had some "splainin'" to do after I wrote my column entitled, "What Do You Say When...". I realized after mom called me that maybe I should clarify a few things.

First, the divorce that I spoke of was my first husband, not Craig. Craig says everybody just better get used to him 'cause he's going to be around for a LONG time.

The IRS was mistaken. I only made $15,000 that year. It was Steve's bill that was $15,000. But it sure made me think about how I was going to fight with the IRS. Not a good situation. But I am cleared of that bill.

Linda does not "live" with a man. She has a male roommate. They had decided to be roommates before they even met. They met on He has a girlfriend, and she dates other guys. Strange, but true.

As far as CPS goes, Craig's ex-wife sicked them on us because she decided that she didn't want to pay child support any more. We were cleared of all charges, including abuse and neglect. We found out it was her that turned us in when we were called to court to discuss why she wasn't paying just days after CPS was at our house. NOT a fun time in my life. I had no idea why anyone would think such horrible things about me and Craig. Still makes me sick to think about it. I think we still had seven kids at the house. The thought of losing them was horrific.

I started out writing this with funny things that have happened and for some reason, it got darker and darker the more I wrote. I guess I needed some therapy!

Hope this helps to clear things up a bit. And yes, EVERYTHING is true! Still plenty more to come!


  1. Thanks for the clarifications! For a minute or two, I wondered on a couple of things. Therapy is good. . .especially with a therapist that can't talk back to you. Way to go for being a survivor!

  2. I knew all this stuff was going on over the years, but living 2000 miles away has its advantages as well as disadvantages. I really didn't realize there was so much until I saw it all on one spot. I didn't worry about it while it was happening but now I wonder why you aren't commited to the goofy house.

  3. What in the heck? You have some interesting adventures and I don't want to experience any of them. I will learn from you instead. Make sure you unload all those things on us so you won't blow up!

  4. After thinking about it for a bit, I don't think you need a therapist. You can BE the therapist with all that experience!

  5. ahh, not so bad.
    if your going to talk about the big van break downs, you should mention the one when we broke down in Far West and half the kids had to wait there for 4 hours so you could come back with a new belt.
    And about the pole, WHO PUTS SMALL POLES AROUND A BIG POLE!!!! It came out of the middle of nowhere, it had a death wish!
    And "you look up and see your husband engulfed in flames" which time are you referring to? There were at least 4 of those, the latest one of course being the worst!
    and about your bed taking a year, don't feel bad, it took me over a week and a half to figure out how to put my $45 oscillating fan together.

  6. Maybe you should write a book. You could quit your day job. This has a lot of potential of being a best seller!

  7. I don't even want to go where Adam mentioned. When did your husband catch on fire 4 times? I knew about one. Are you sure you aren't writing from the goofy house? Nobody could go through all that stuff and keep their sanity.

  8. What did the previous post say about Matt?
